Trailer, 5th Wheel and ATV

Your Trailer or 5th Wheel is your home away from home. We understand that storing it in the right hands is important. At Midland RV & Boat Storage, we will eliminate the headache of storing them at your home where it’s susceptible to burglary and unsafe storage conditions.
Storage Check List
- Review owner’s manual for engine, LP gas, generator, water heater and sanitation system storage tips.
- Remove all perishable food from cabinets.
- Turn off refrigerator. Verify all power sources are off by checking 12 volt, 110 volt and LP gas.
- Remove all food from the refrigerator. Clean the inside, and leave the door open to ventilate.
- Clean rooftop and air conditioner filters, and cover the outside unit.
- Clean the interior of the RV. Pull shades, and close blinds.
- Turn off the propane cylinders, and cover the regulator.
- Cover or tape vents to the furnace and range hood for long-term storage.
- Ensure all roof vents and windows are closed. Prevent condensation if necessary by using chemical-type dehumidifiers.
- Check tire pressure, and cover the tires, if they will be exposed to the sun.
- Inspect roof, body, interior, soft molding and caulking.
- Service locks with spray lubricant to prevent rust and freezing.
- Remove batteries. Store batteries in an area not subject to freezing, and test them periodically. Charge if necessary.
- In motor homes, check all operating fluid levels under the hood, and top off the gasoline tank. Add a fuel stabilizer.
- Empty and thoroughly rinse all holding tanks. In winter, all water tanks, lines and pumps should be drained and filled with non-toxic RV antifreeze to keep any remaining water from freezing the system. Never use automobile antifreeze of any kind in your water system!